The Terms of Use is an agreement between the user and Omorfo Industrial. The user acknowledges that accessing and using this site implies the reading, the understanding and the accordance to its terms, as well as the obligation to comply with the current Brazilian laws and regulations. If the user does not agree with these terms, the company advises not using this website.


Regardless of prior notice, at any time Omorfo Industrial may review its Terms of Use or any other information of this website, including improvements or alterations in the products, services, catalogs or general information described.

Furthermore, the company reserves the right to alter, at any time, specifications, colors and other products characteristics featured in this website. The presented images are merely illustrative.

The site’s content, copyrights, trademarks and intellectual property altogether belongs to Omorfo Industrial or to the content’s owner.

No contents of this website can be used, copied, modified, translated, distributed or used without prior authorization of Omorfo Industrial or the contents owners, except when the law expressly states such permission.  All rights concerning contents not expressly granted by the term hereby are reserved.

The user is not allowed to register or use the Omorfo Industrial name. This restriction to the user embraces the register and the use of corporate, trade and domain names. Registration and use of another name, indication or description with which the name Omorfo Industrial or some other name may bear similarity, as well as any name that is part of the name Omorfo Industrial, are also prohibited to the user.

The images featured in the site, as well as the site’s format cannot be copied or used for personal purposes.

The trademarks of Omorfo Industrial can only be used with prior and express written authorization.

Omorfo Industrial reserves the right to add, erase or modify its Terms of Use or its site, subsite or landing pages contents at any time, regardless of prior notice. Furthermore, Omorfo Industrial may close the website or any area thereof when the company deems it appropriate, without prior notification or permission.


The personal information provided or collected on the website will only be used in accordance with the Omorfo Industrial Privacy Policy  available on this very website.


The information published by Omorfo Industrial on the internet may contain references or cross references to products and service neither announced nor available in the user’s country. Such references do not mean that Omorfo Industrial intends to announce or make these products available in the user’s country.

The user shall ask the commercial contact of Omorfo Industrial of the region concerned or contact through the “Contact” channel on this very website.


Omorfo Industrial does not aim to receive neither confidential nor copyright protected information of the user by browsing on the website.

Omorfo Industrial will not disclose the user’s name or the fact that the user has submitted materials or other information to the company, unless: (1) Omorfo Industrial obtains user’s permission to use the user’s name; (2) Omorfo Industrial notifies the user that the materials or the information submitted to a specific part of this site will be published or used with the user’s name in it, or; (3) Omorfo Industrial is obliged by law to do so.

In case of any doubts concerning personal data, the user shall consult the Omorfo Industrial Privacy Policy available in this very website.


This site may provide links or references to websites and resources that do not belong to Omorfo Industrial.

Omorfo Industrial does not make declarations, offer any guarantees nor other commitments such as endorsements or confirmations of any kind concerning websites that are not owned by the company, including third parties’ resources that may be referenced, linked to or accessed through any of its sites.

Furthermore, the company is not responsible for any transactions that the user may eventually carry out with third parties from a site of Omorfo Industrial, even if the user knows these third parties or access them through links available on Omorfo Industrial websites.

When accessing third-party websites, including the ones that occasionally shows Omorfo Industrial logo, the user comprehends that those sites are independent from Omorfo Industrial, which has no control over them.

In order to protect its information, the user must take precautions to avoid computer virus, worms, trojan horse and other potentially destructive computer programs.


Omorfo Industrial only allows links and pages to be linked to this website when they do not: (1) create frames around any page of this site or use other techniques which alter in some way the visual presentation or appearance of the site’s contents; (2) misrepresent the user’s relationship with Omorfo Industrial; (3) imply Omorfo Industrial approval or endorsement of the users, their website(s), service(s) or product(s), or; (4) present false or deceptive impressions that may harm the good reputation associated with the name and the trademarks of Omorfo Industrial.

Furthermore, in order to have permission to connect to this website, the user agrees that Omorfo Industrial may, at any time and in its sole discretion, terminate the permission to connect to it. In that case, the user agrees to immediately remove all links to this site and cease any use related to Omorfo Industrial’ trademarks.


Omorfo Industrial will make every effort to maintain the availability and security of this website using technologies and security procedures to protect information against loss, theft, as well as unauthorized access, use and changes. On the other hand, this commitment does not have the power to fully remove risks inherent in online environment interactions, such as, for example, attacks perpetrated by hackers.

Therefore, users are aware and agree that damages and losses occurred as a result of their own acts are their entire and exclusive responsibility. Considering Omorfo Industrial efforts to mitigate risks, harmful conduct practiced by third parties such as hackers will be considered unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure.

Furthermore, over time this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Hence, Omorfo Industrial does not guarantee the information posted accuracy. It is up to users to confirm the access to/interaction with the website updated pages, as well as the information accuracy and integrity before using it to make decisions about services, products or others matters described.

Enjoy your browsing.
Omorfo Industrial.
September, 2022.


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